ITU Copenhagen Videogames

SpilBar 3.0 – Press. Press? Press!


Today I will be attending the SpilBar 3 at the IT University of Copenhagen, a bimonthly event where videogame industry members and those close to it can meet and talk about their ideas for the future of the videogames market. And of course, also have some beers together (this is Denmark, what did you expect?)

It’s an International Game Developers Association event, organized by the Danish Game Council.

So, who else will be there?

imageimageFirst of all Jonathan Smith, former employee of LEGO Company and currently Head of Production at TT Games Publishing (the developer of highly popular games such as Lego Star Wars or more recently Lego Harry Potter) will give a speech called The LEGO choices, about how their LEGO games were developed considering the most basic idea of LEGO: creating a space of infinite possibilities.

Afterwards Jamin Brophy-Warren, president and editor-in-chief of videogames related Kill Screen magazine will talk about the importance of story in games and how developers need to do a better job of explaining the “how” of their games when presenting them to the public and the press.


Oh, and of course afterwards the Nordic Game Jam will open up with a party to start meeting all of the attendants. The rest of the weekend is all the Nordic Game Jam.

Quite an exciting weekend, right? And all this just before the Spring semester starts, which I’m already looking forward to (even though I do get scared about how much work we are to expect especially from our Game Development course).

Will I be able to keep this updated during these crazy days? Probably not. But if I find something interesting to tell you will probably find it on my Twitter account, so follow me!