ITU Copenhagen Videogames

Onwards to the Nordic Game Jam!


Photo from

This weekend the Nordic Game Jam will be taking place at the IT University of Copenhagen, and I will be attending as a game designer.

For those who don’t know, the Nordic Game Jam, part of the Global Game Jam that takes place in many other places in the world at the same time, is a concentration of game designers, programmers, artists and more during an entire weekend to form groups and create innovative game ideas in just 48 hours.

There will also be several important game designers around, both hosting the event and as guest speakers.

Obviously as much as I would like to say that I will be blogging from the game jam, with a 48-hour time limit that will probably be… hard.

Anyway if you’re interested in learning more about the Game Jams or if you want to read about it as it happens this weekend, you can check out the Global Game Jam website.