Music Videogames Videos

Super Mario World – Castle Theme arranged


Those who know me probably recall how much I go nuts over videogame soundtracks. Well, this is one song I had saved a long time ago to post it here, but I just kept forgetting and now I found it again Open-mouthed smile.

It’s an arranged version of the Super Nintendo videogame Super Mario World, the theme that plays inside the castle levels where the final boss for each world awaits (the Koopa children). It’s made to sound like a live orchestra, so make sure you pump up your sound (avoid earphones for this) because the song sounds amazingly neat!

Stupid things Videos

Intel Core 2nd Generation amazing promo video

Intel recently announced its latest generation of Core i3, i5 and i7 processors (as well as their Atom line) which will no doubt be a step forward in personal computing (some like Valve’s CEO Gabe Newell are going as far as to say that these processors are a game changer for console-like experiences on the PC).

But as much as I could go on to talk about these processors (I’m a technology enthusiast after all), in my blog I will only be posting their amazing promotional video.

Seriously, this is one video worth watching for it’s extremely well done execution. What are you waiting for? Click on play right now and don’t forget to play it in full screen!

ITU Copenhagen Stupid things Videos

Yes, I like eating ice-cream even when it’s cold outside, so what?

People really need to let go preconceptions that you can only eat ice-cream when it’s warm outside. So what if ice-cream is cold? Don’t you drink cold beers when it’s cold outside too?

In cany case, this is chapter 4 of Josep’s series of videologs in Copenhagen. Enjoy!

ITU Copenhagen Stupid things Videos

Copenhagen Videolog by Epic Yusep


So someone has done what I had wanted to do a long time ago (back in North Texas I made an attempt at this) and has created a videolog of what is happening around him in Copenhagen.

I’m talking about Josep-Bernat Martínez, fellow classmate at the IT University of Copenhagen, who has decided to record pretty much every funny moment in his life and edit them before uploading to Youtube.

Of course I also appear in the videos. So before Josep starts recording embarrasing moments of me and uploads them, I decided to bribe him by advertising his Youtube channel here.

Mind you though, the videolog is in Spanish.


Movies Stupid things TV Videogames Videos

Pokémon Apokélypse, the live-action movie!


“Prepare for trouble”

“Make it double!”

“Meowth! That’s right!”

If you didn’t recognize those sentences then you’re probably not the target audience for this awesome movie that is being produced by Ki-Voltage Productions.

Or at least its trailer.

Sure, the plot of this fan-made trailer is campy at its best, but you’ve gotta give credit to producers Dylan Innes and Lee Majdoub for creating the most amazing insight on how Pokémon would look in full-blown movie (which, for the sake of our world, I hope never comes true).

They have definitely thought of everything: from Ash to Misty and Brock, including Doctor Oak, and Team Rocket members Jessie and James.

Given the impressive level of detail in the art department I’ve taken some still shots of the best moments of this action-packed trailer, plus the trailer itself. Enjoy! (Don’t forget you can zoom in the pictures by clicking on them!).

Bulbasaur and Pikachu start a Pokémon battle

An incredibly detailed Pikachu chained

Ash Ketchum capturing a Snorlax

Professor Oak in his lab

James from the Team Rocket

Gyarados strikes the city of Celadon

Quite an impressive and original portrayal of Team Rocket’s Jessie and James

Misty, the water Pokémon trainer and her Psyduck

One of the Super Nerd trainers attacking Brock with a Magnemite

A quite shocking (but funny) scene with Jessie, James and Meowth shooting

ITU Copenhagen Stupid things Videos

A plagiarism carol, hilarious video!


Today Tobias, one of the student advisors at the IT University of Copenhagen, has shown us why we shouldn’t plagiarize the work of others for our essays at university. He did it through this video created by the University of Bergen in Norway, and man, did he make us laugh.

Seriously, watch this video. It’s simply hilarious. Plus, it has incredible production values.