
Blogging… from the phone!

Some of you already know how happy I am with my current phone (Samsung Omnia 7), and well, now I am even much more happy!

Starting today I have access to a new wonderful WordPress application for Windows Phone 7 that I hope will help me maintain the blog more frequently updated (something that is sorely needed).

This post is still nothing more than a test of this functionality, but later on I expect to be able to expand upon the idea of the “now playing at ITU” section through it.

What I plan on doing is to periodically add my personal comments on videogames I have been playing recently, both new and old, even some classics, with some… let’s say proffesional insights about them (taking into consideration that I do, after all, study videogame design).

Without further ado, I finish here my first post from a phone

More to come later, back in Spain for the Christmas holidays.

Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone