
List of DOS games worth playing (or remembering!)

Today I stumbled upon this impressive list that I thought was more than worth taking a look at if you played PC games back in the 90s, some coming of these games coming even from the 80s that still managed to stay around for several years.

Definitely worth sharing, that’s for sure.

How many of these can you name? You can right-click the image and choose “Open link in new tab or window” to have a proper look in your browser, because the text under each game is a recommended read.

List of DOS games worth playing


What is EUCROMA and what happens in it?

Eucroma Logo Single

Some people have asked me what exactly is the place where I work. I’ve decided for the time being to let Euronews do the speaking instead 😉

This is the place where I work as a teacher and PR consultant, EUCROMA – the European Cross-Media Academy:

Nordic Game Jam

Organizing and videoblogging at Nordic Game Jam

It’s Nordic Game Jam time again!

The fun and chaotic weekend contest that takes place every year in Copenhagen is back. I’ve been participating in it for two years now, but this time I’m in as an organizer!

Not just that, I’m also videoblogging from the event every once in a while. So you might want to check out what’s cooking over here at our new venue at Aalborg University Copenhagen. I would love to post a few more things here but with all the stuff going on around the game jam I’ll have to stick with this short post (and more updates coming next week!)

Check out one of the early videos from yesterday!

ITU Copenhagen Videogames

Knytt Underground on Steam Greenlight!

Alright, this comes a little bit late, but better late than never, right?

The thing is, I’ve already been helping out with the launch of TWO games on Steam Greenlight, the platform through which indie game developers can show their upcoming games and have them voted by the Steam community to be sold on their store (it’s not that easy to get your game up there if you’re an indie dev). The first one was BetaDwarf’s FORCED, which by the way succeeded in a great Kickstarter campaign recently, reaching over $60,000 in pledges by fans.

But recently I helped out fellow developer Nicklas Nygren with the Steam Greenlight campaign for his new game Knytt Underground, which got released a few weeks ago on PS3 and Playstation Vita.

And what did I do? Well, I created this little interview video, of course! Recorded at the IT University of Copenhagen (gotta love the views from those glass boxes) for the game’s publisher, Ripstone, the video is shown right on the front page of the Greenlight page for the game (Go on now! Vote for it!)

If you still haven’t seen anything of the game, suffice to say that it’s possibly Nicklas’ best work yet. Visually striking, with tons of rooms to explore, lots of characters to talk (with dialogues to laugh a lot about), secrets hidden literally EVERYWHERE (watch out for a hint in the video interview!) and some great challenges, this is one heck of a game to go through.

But I won’t spoil anymore of it for you. I seriously recommend you check the videos on the Steam page and give the game a try for yourself!


ITU Copenhagen Videogames

Coin Knights at Exile Fall 2012!

Funny that it took me seeing Simon Cutajar’s blog post about the last Exile Game Jam to realize I should probably update my blog with it as well…

But here it is nonetheless: Coin Knights is the last game I’ve worked on since Super Screaming Skull Bros 2, this time along with Simon Cutajar, inspired by the arcade cabinet made by the RedGrim boys. All done, as usual per game jam standards, in under 48 hours.

But whereas the previous game was a 2 player co-op experience, Coin Knights is a 4 player competitive game where each one of these brightly colored and blocky knights will have to collect the highest amount of coins possible before the time runs out.

Simple enough, but there’s a bit more to it. The central theme, given by the Exile Game Jam restrictions, was uncertainty, and we addedgreedto that (one of the themes that were also commented at Exile). Players will have to fight each other to collect the treasure chests, get the coins inside (which can appear randomly in groups of 10, 20, 30, 50 or 100 coins) and bring them back to the castle. Players can hold up to 4 treasures at the same time. The catch is that the contents of the chests are unknown to the player until opened, and if the player is too greedy he might stumble upon a bomb. And a bomb will, simply enough, make him lose all the coins he has collected.

So players will have to decide whether to keep collecting coins or bring what they have so far to their castles so as not to risk losing it all.

Oh, and players can push each other away by using their shields. Or steal the contents of a chest before they are collected by a player.


Unluckily for us the game was not finished on time thanks to an untimely bug caused by the randomly spawning treasure chests, which totally crashes the game sometimes before reaching the time limit. Hopefully both Simon and I will be able to further polish the game, fixing bugs and adding a few more power-ups that will make the gameplay more chaotic (personally I also want to increase the size of all the sprites so that the action is bigger and crazier).

Simon and I worked on the design of the game from the very beginning, with him later on focusing on the programming and music side while I made all the graphics and sound effects. For now you can play the current version of Coin Knights here!

Playtesting Coin Knights at Exile Game Jam

Stupid things Videogames

Press & Move – A playable version of the XKCD comic Click & Drag

If you remember the cool XKCD comic strip “Click & Drag” where you could view a huge, never-ending panel full of tiny surprises all around the place, then you’ll probably love this playable version that the wonderful people of Kajakklubben in Copenhagen have pulled off.

Basically they have made it into a nice exploration game where you’ll keep getting surprised by the small details that have been added everywhere. I recommend you give it a look and I applaud Kajakklubben for the awesome idea!

Click here to start exploring now!

Oh, and one more thing! You can also check where players are in real time!

Update: Woah! Looks like this little game got far more attention than anyone thought possible! Their statistics service even went down for several hours from so many simultaneous visitors!

First we have XKCD comic creator Randall Munroe commenting about the game:

“I *love* Press and Move. I don’t know anything about animation or about game interfaces, but it’s exactly how I would’ve set it up if I’d been designing a more game-like version. I spent quite a while exploring, which until this I’d done surprisingly little of.”;

And then we have Kotaku, who along with other online gaming websites have praised the game.

Once again, congratulations to Tim Garbos, K. Shonibare-Lewis, Martin Fasterholdt and Kasper Videbæk for a nice job!