ITU Copenhagen Mr. Optimstic Videogames

Mr. Optimistic is released!


Well, it was actually finished about five days ago, but to tell the truth I had been busy with several other things until now that I’m finally home.

In any case, here it is! Our first group videogame at the IT University of Copenhagen, coming from Games’R’Us with Casper, Stine, Isaac and me!

L5_HedgehogMr. Optimistic is an action-puzzle game in which the main character always walks forward. It is your job, as the player, to make sure that nothing gets in his way, removing harmful obstacles and covering gaps.

Go ahead and give it a try! Also don’t forget that the original purpose of this game is to fulfill the requirements needed for our Game Design course, which although they weren’t too strict, they needed to be met in a short time limit.

I would like to thank once more the entire Games’R’Us imagegroup, as well as all the testers who gave us their feedback (and helped improve many of the levels on time), and of course our partner group RoboMonkey, whose main character also makes a cameo appearance in our game.

Some weird bugs aside (which software developers will surely find from the get go) the game turned out fairly good, and we had some fun ourselves while making it (it’s funny how some of the most crazy ideas actually made it into the game).

So I will simply leave you all to try the game for yourselves.

You can play it online as long as you install the Unity Web Player (it’s a fast, quick and easy installation that doesn’t require much from the user) or download the install version. But for my blog I’m just going to leave the web version for the sake of simplicity.

Go ahead, give it a try!

Play Mr. Optimistic