ITU Copenhagen Mr. Optimstic Videogames

Mr. Optimistic Developer Diary – Level 1 takes shape


Little by little our videogame Mr. Optimistic gets better! We now finally have the first level laid out in our game engine (we’re doing this with the free Unity Game Engine for those of you who want to know), and even though there’s lots of things to polish (both on the artistic side and on the physics and enemy behavior side) we’re happy with what we have so far.

But let me introduce the team first.

Mr. Optimistic is being made by four people working as a team. We liked to be called Games’Я’Us!

  • Casper Friis Farsøe is our main programmer in the group. He’s been working with the Unity Game Engine for a while now so he decided it would be best to work with it.
  • Isaac Lenhart is our artist. Most of the items you see in the picture above have been drawn by him, as well as the original Mr. Optimistic picture I posted here a few weeks ago.
  • Stine Hansen along with me, Anchel Labena, works as a level designer. We create the puzzles that will appear in the game as well as decide what each level will look like and how everything is laid out.

We will keep you updated with news on our little videogame!