General blogging ITU Copenhagen Me

There and back again, a short trip to Sweden


On a Saturday morning just like any other, the group of Spanish students I hang out with and me decided to go have a picnic in Helsingør, a small city to the North of Copenhagen. So we took the train and in about half an hour we got there.

Of course we were all Spanish, so you can imagine what we ate for the picnic…


That’s right: potato tortilla, Spanish ham, chorizo and salchichón, lomo… (it’s actually kind of hard to describe all these in English).

The beer was Danish though, one of our favorites here, the Tuborg Classic.

In the end we made our own space for lunch at the Kronborg Castle of Helsingør and despite the weather being so horribly cold we enjoyed ourselves quite a bit.

However, and here comes the interesting part, we learned that Helsingør is actually the closest point of Denmark to Sweden. In fact it’s only 15 minutes away by boat! So we took an awesomely huge boat from Helsingør to Helsinborg (yes, the names are similar on purpose) just for the sake of being able to say that we’ve been to Sweden as well.


An unexpected problem: even though the currency used in Sweden is also called Krone (crowns in English), their value is different from the ones used in Denmark and with different coins. I guess we hadn’t thought about that beforehand.

Something we found funny were the several street signs around Helsinborg. If those are supposed to help people find their way I’m afraid they do a terrible job at it.

We still hung around the city for a couple of hours, visited some landmarks and went to get some beers. By the time we got back to Copenhagen it was past 10 PM, but Javier, Miriam, José Luis and me were still up for one last drink.

What we did not expect was to find a place so awesome that we were sucked in into the party and spent about 4 hours in the same bar just listening to live music by a group from the USA. We listened and danced to some great songs ranging from Highway to Hell to La Bamba (kind of an unexpected one). All in all, it was a great way to have a different Saturday. What else can we expect from the following weeks in Copenhagen?


General blogging ITU Copenhagen

Copenhage, ¡allá vamos!


En estos instantes estoy preparando la maleta para irme 2 años a Copenhage.

¿A qué? A estudiar un máster en Diseño de Tecnologías Multimedia y Videojuegos.

Eso sí, por ahora estoy sin piso en Copenhage.

Frost Valley General blogging Me

De vuelta en España


Después de un mes entero en el campamento de Frost Valley (Nueva York) como monitor de un grupo de españoles, ya estoy de vuelta en España.

El viaje ha sido toda una experiencia, para repetir si se puede. Montones de actividades y mucha gente a la que echaré de menos, tanto campers como monitores.

Ahora ya volveré a la normalidad con el blog. ¡Esperad cambios muy pronto!


General General blogging

La era de las aplicaciones web

Mi nueva entrada en la columna de Tecnomania es sobre Google Chrome y su estrategia para vender aplicaciones web.

Disponible en la VOA Noticias.

General blogging Internet and technology

El camino hacia Windows 8

Como ya sabeis sigo por los Estados Unidos como monitor en el campamento Frost Valley. Sin embargo al mismo tiempo continuo mis articulos para la Voz de America en la columna Tecnomania.

Para los interesados en conocer mas detalles sobre la proxima version de Windows, mi ultimo articulo revela informacion sobre Windows 8. Podeis leerlo entero en VOA Tecnomania.

(Disculpad la falta de tildes).

Frost Valley General blogging Me

Out for a month!–Frost Valley

Frost Valley topComo ya comenté en entradas anteriores, del 26 de junio al 24 de julio voy a estar fuera de España como monitor en un campamento en Estados Unidos – Frost Valley.

Para cualquier cosa que necesitéis (sólo si es urgente) podéis mandarme un email o un mensaje privado a través de Tuenti o Facebook, aunque lo más probable es que tarde varios días en responder.

Tampoco dispondré de teléfono móvil mas que para urgencias.

Hasta entonces, ¡que paséis unas buenas vacaciones!